Monday, June 4, 2012

Small Great Gathering of BIG PEOPLE.......

Mushrifah Idris
7:01 AM (12 hours ago)
to me, Dr, Wesley, Dato, Datuk, Jan, Andrew, Normah

Dear Ismail,
Sc1 and some from Sc3, had a small get together and we took some photos. Could you please put them in the blog. I hope the others could start small meetings like this where we could recall, and identify whos who after all these years. We can then go back to HSBP. Some suggested if we could meet at the fountain, alas there isnt any fountain left, they say. We'll find the HSBP field then! Ha..Ha..
We had a great time even for a short while.
Very nice to have met some of you again, but we have changed physically!
Keep in touch.
ps: I dont have judy's email and the other lady in the pic. Sorry,