Monday, February 13, 2012

Professor Teo Keang Sood

Brief Biodata
Teo Keang Sood was the Vice-Dean of the Graduate Division. Educated at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur and Harvard Law School, his principal areas of research lie in land law, strata title and tax. He has written extensively in, and presented papers locally, regionally and in Australia and South Africa on, these areas. Several of his works have been cited with approval by the Court of Appeal and High Court of Singapore; the Federal Court, Court of Appeal and High Court of Malaysia; as well as in local and international publications. He has also been appointed as external examiner for universities in Australia and Malaysia for their doctoral candidates in the areas of property law, contract law and taxation. He was named an Excellent Teacher by NUS in 2002-2003. He is the General Editor of the Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review of Singapore Cases 2000-2008 and a panel member of the Strata Titles Boards.


  1. can u show me your six form face?

  2. Dear Prof Mush,

    What I can recall, Prof Keang Sood had less hair when he was in 6th Form Arts I class! Probably, he had done some scalp treatment at Svenson or Kandang Kerbau Specialist Hospital....May be Raja M can confirm this! Otherwise, he looks much more plump (signs of properity and errr...may be good health).....

    Warm regards.

