Dear Colleagues,
Prof Dato' Dr Mushrifah........
Regarding the get together, can we add in more email address, Najibs email not in. Ng Nyu Teck, is not in, sally I dont see it yet. will get Andrew. I am adding Raja's email9hope it is right)....Andrew has been right, we never did take photos during sixth form. Wonder why, but I guess there must be photos of prefects! Mahzan, can you catch hold of Najib's email. Is he with HSBC still, can look up in the web.What is najib's surname?
TQ Raja , I am adding Prof Teo Keang Sood <>. Dato' Teo. Dato' Ng Bee Kien (019 2221611). I am sorry guys for not asking your permission to put in the in the list, but is this covered under the privacy policy? Andrew how can we get in touch with them. I can call Ng Bee Kien, but I cannot recall who he is, can be embarassing. Raja , I need help here, can u get photos? If Fauziah Abu Hassan fron the National Libraray, I will try and look up at the internet search. I am no Puteri Gunong Ledang, Its more of Puteri Raja Bersiong now! Ha..Ha...To those updating the database, pls update the date of the file as well! ( Same instructions I did during those days working in UNESCO, Paris).
OK guys , keep updating. Wonder where are the ladies? Normah, keep emailing ok.
Najib takde dlm list emel. Dah dia sentiasa senyum lambat pulak sampai. BTW All, nama aku eja dgn dua A, i.e. Fuaad. Appreciate to update the record.
Best Regards
Mahzan Moin...............
Kot malam tu ada Najib...awat hang tak cakap .. ako dah lama tak jumpa dengan dia..f'word no h/p dia......Salam Raja & all , wow ! almost all the name that u mentioned , I dah lupa habis expecially on the "Gerakan" lists ...and their faces after >30 years..I salute si Najib kita tu , almost maintain especially on his tommy beb..kalau ada hadiah I obviously akan undi dia...Anyway Thanks Raja & others for the infos' . I punya Chips yang 80an kebawah banyak yang dah corrupted , unreadable and slow . Oh yes baru re call satu ..u've got the Juliet in but that u had forgotten the Romeo - at that time only .. Mahat Kassim - Guru Besar somewhere at Batu Anam and what about wak Kasmin kasmiran (not sure spelling correctly) .. See u All.....
Najib Mohamed
Normah Jantan

Salam All...
Dr IJ...... you are cool man... you put a wide smile on my face when I read about your admission on YSK... For old time sake or rather aka "For Old Age Sake"...(LOL)... it would be a great down memory lane if we could have HSBP. I think I better shape up a bit.. over my ideal by 20kg.
Hey guys I just remember a few more names. Nafisah - Soh Khen & Sally (she can't wait to pound a nail on my head) would be able to help. Then what about Dato' Ng Bee Kien .. his contact number is 019 2221611. Like Robiha, he has his own law firm. I had lunch with him about three months ago. Hey guys... btw do you still remember Teo Keang Sood? He is a law Prof at NUS... his email is About 4-5 months ago I did email to him for a get together ... he responded positively.. but the get together did not materialize. One more girl just cross my mind.. Fauziah Abu Hassan (Normah should know)... I think she was the Head Librarian - National Library.
Ismail Ab Jamal
I'm opening up a new topic so as to move forward and strengthening our
fraternity (as Mush mentioned we are already in our late 50s!!). Let's
make our remaining good years to build a stronger comradeship and
meaningful relationship by creating our very own official blog for
HSBP ("Heart Soothers & Breakers Pavilion") Class of 72/73 Six
I'm supporting Mush idea of planning a grand get-together somewhere
before the month of Ramadhan this year. Let's see whether the heart
soothes and bleeds or breaks when we meet our old colleagues like
Yunus, Rotihan, Mahat, Nazri, Shapie, Amah, Rozie, Ng Yu Teck, Ng Yu
Hui, Mahat, Rahman, Robiha, Sally, ........please add on to the list!!
By the way Ng Yu Teck is a very successful O&G practitioner in Cheras
where he is operating his own specialist clinic.
Most importantly, we need to check the availability of our "Imam
Besar" now residing in Shanghai on his availability for gracing the
occasion!! Personally, I've not seen Zaaba for umpteen
such he must come for the inaugural gathering even to extend of
hijacking the China Airlines!!
Ismail Ab Jamal
Assalamualaikum to all,
Congratulation to you, Ismail Jamal on the recent occasion of daughter's wedding. I shall try to make your next invitation. As long as I am not retired, it is very difficult for me to attend all the wedding invitations. Don't worry soon I shall be done with all this living out of the suitcase. Will retire soon, unless this new Airline setup in KL call me for some help.
I am always in contact with Fuad Yatim and Zul Zakaria, "Debot" and Mahzan. Fuad, Zul and Mahzan do favors for the State of Selangor in grass cutting once in a while in various golf courses.
Yes it has been almost 40yrs since we last met. Looking forward to see you soon.
Dr.IJ....I like your idea of meeting up again.....Let me fwd this to Jamil Jepun and Najib..zz
Ko orang admire le gambar2 ko orang yang handsome2 dan cantik2
ni..........Mane yang tak de rambut lagi tu jangan prasan (macam I
Ako tertinggal gambar2 Najib & wife plus Puan Normah Jantan (my
Cam mane guys...lps 40years++++?
Wahhh! everybody seems to be enjoying ourselves, sampai tak nampak banyak candid camera.
Najib, still looks good! perut masih kempes lagi. Ke sebab pakai kemeja!( refering to their photos together!) Dr Ismail , on the threadmill please..Ha..Ha..
Regarding the get together, can we add in more email address, Najibs email not in. Ng Nyu Teck, is not in, sally I dont see it yet. will get Andrew. I am adding Raja's email9hope it is right)
Ismail, can u add in Normah Jantan's email add pls.
A tout a leur! See u later!
Kot malam tu ada Najib...awat hang tak cakap .. ako dah lama tak jumpa dengan dia..f'word no h/p dia..
After all of you left the function, he came with his wife(biasa le
dengan senyum manis dia tu!...tak terkata ape2 pon..). Ko contact dia
kat this H/P 0123155973 (Zol bagi kat ako number ni)....ask for his
email address and put him in the loop.....senang nak cerita2 and
Hellooo.... Dr IJ don't forget Yap Soh Khen... Rosdi Siraj... :)
Rosdi Siraj yang mana satu. Yap Soh Khen saya ingat lagi. Sory, hard disc saya too full now, kena defrag balik.
Our Prof Mush is suffering from memory lapse!! Rosdi Siraj was the
footballer and most admired guy among the girls in the lower
six....Last encounter with him when he was still with BBMB and later
Bank of Bumiputra Commerce. After that, I've not heard of him and told
that he's residing somewhere in Gombak. Raja should know his
whereabout.....For Yap Soh Khen (old-flame, heart bleeds!), no contact
at all.....may be Sall Yeo you should be able to locate her. For the
ladies' contacts, let Mush makes use of her networking with Normah
Jantan plus others (Robiha or Rutihan)..........
Salam All,
Just got back from Kuantan, presenting to the Pahang exco. Nasib baik tak ada memory lapse! Ha..Ha..Ismail, jangan lupa, you pun sama dengan I . PhD-Permanent head Damage!
If Rosdi is in the emailing list, sorry ya....Yes, I got Normah Jantan's email in the list now.
Ok let me get the ladies together. Goodnes, I cant remember their names, but I have their faces in my head! Please Normah, help me out . And also to the gentlemen out there!
Sc 1: MI,( cant remember)
Sc 2: Normah Jantan,
Sc 3: Rosnah...,
Arts 1: Khatijah Baharum, Ruthihan, Zainah,
Arts 2: Robiha,
Arts 3: ...blank
Old class-photos should be helpful in identifying those "missing persons"....can somebody scan and post the pictures please! I'm trying to dig out my archive in the store-room to locate that old photo album of those MIAs.....
Dear All. I have put them in some kind of chart for you to fill up. Attached
OK Normah I ll put you in the mailling list.
List needs revising though.Mush
Hi Mush and others....
This much I can assist you Mush in updating the chart.....Just
remember, Rahman (Arts 2), Amah (Arts 1), Rozie (Arts 1), Catherine
Ang (Arts 1), Jimmy (Arts 1), "Kuda" (Arts 2), Judy Lim (Sc 2), Yap
Koon (Sc3),.....that much I could recall....failing memory or RAM
(Pentium 2 le....)
Najib takde dlm list emel. Dah dia sentiasa senyum lambat pulak sampai. BTW All, nama aku eja dgn dua A, i.e. Fuaad. Appreciate to update the record.
Best Regards
Fuaad Yatim
Najib punye email ni suruh Mahzan mintak kat dia.....Prefect dgn prefect boleh kow tim!! Mahzan pandai le dia bisik2 kat Najib nanti for the email address......Name ko punye spelling dah corrected. Yang lain2 tu tolong check sendiri dan betulkan sendiri.....dah pencen ni tak de PA nak betulkan!! Sorry folks.........
Salam All...
Dr IJ...... you are cool man... you put a wide smile on my face when I read about your admission on YSK... For old time sake or rather aka "For Old Age Sake"...(LOL)... it would be a great down memory lane if we could have HSBP. I think I better shape up a bit.. over my ideal by 20kg.
Hey guys I just remember a few more names. Nafisah - Soh Khen & Sally (she can't wait to pound a nail on my head) would be able to help. Then what about Dato' Ng Bee Kien .. his contact number is 019 2221611. Like Robiha, he has his own law firm. I had lunch with him about three months ago. Hey guys... btw do you still remember Teo Keang Sood? He is a law Prof at NUS... his email is About 4-5 months ago I did email to him for a get together ... he responded positively.. but the get together did not materialize. One more girl just cross my mind.. Fauziah Abu Hassan (Normah should know)... I think she was the Head Librarian - National Library.
What about our teachers? It would be a great HSBP 72/73 To Sir With Love... but I know some have already left us.
Can anyone bring sisha pipes? Just strawberry and orange flavour... ? But don't bother, Dr IJ can get hilarious after 2 cups of black coffee.. I need 3 at least. For Prof Mush.. just mineral water will be enough to make her a live wire all thru the night ... still keeps her Sixth Form's look and frame though.. she said "futsal" is her secret elixir of youth! Nah... I don't believe her. I think it must have something to do with Puteri Gunung Ledang......(LOL). I know what she is would probably be shouting now... "Raja...! please jangan cuba nak mengatalling...." . Yes I would not.. and I am sorry Madame Prof Dato' Dr Mush..
Warm regards...
Salam sejahtera........
Raja is always at his best form when he is not "moody"!! That's why his name is appropriately and correctly spelt MohaMOOD......Those names that we have just remembered, please add on to the list......I just can't imagine Prof Keang Sood behaving like Prof Kingsfield in "The Graduate"..........he must be the most dreaded and feared law lecturer in NUS...sending the chill down the spines of the students..!! I hope he has changed his black thick-framed glasses...I thought he is the only Chinese in our batch with curly now it does not matter anymore as there is not much hairs left on the scalp!!........ I'm OK with sisha suggested by Raja as long as it is not adulterated with "ganja" (Zol is smiling with his normal grin .....) and true enough I'm actually addicted to coffee....daily intake more than 2 cups of black coffee!! ....and still going strong....
Hello guys,
Got a new addition to the email. Its Andrew <>, Sc1, now Big Boss AIA! Those who have not got your retirement plan, best seek the advice from Andrew ( FOC... maa). Here you are Andrew, if you can still remember them. I have added the list of Sc1 attached and please keep updating them. Andrew you need to insert your photo. The last time I saw you at your sister inlaws place, your hair still in superb condition, Bountiful and black. That was 5 years ago.( I think).
Andrew has been right, we never did take photos during sixth form. Wonder why, but I guess there must be photos of prefects! Mahzan, can you catch hold of Najib's email. Is he with HSBC still, can look up in the web.What is najib's surname?
TQ Raja , I am adding Prof Teo Keang Sood <>. Dato' Teo. Dato' Ng Bee Kien (019 2221611). I am sorry guys for not asking your permission to put in the in the list, but is this covered under the privacy policy? Andrew how can we get in touch with them. I can call Ng Bee Kien, but I cannot recall who he is, can be embarassing.
Raja , I need help here, can u get photos? If Fauziah Abu Hassan fron the National Libraray, I will try and look up at the internet search. I am no Puteri Gunong Ledang, Its more of Puteri Raja Bersiong now! Ha..Ha...
To those updating the database, pls update the date of the file as well! ( Same instructions I did during those days working in UNESCO, Paris).
OK guys , keep updating. Wonder where are the ladies? Normah, keep emailing ok.
Salam and Cheers,
Hello guys,
check on this web page The Star, Sunday. I am an environment conservationist ! I fight miners and loggers. Ha! Ha! Puteri Raja Bersiong.
Hi Prof Mush...
So impressive ma.... PhD from Kings College, recipient of UNESCO Award, rich and beautiful..etc etc.. Hindsight, should have punctured your tayar basikal and walked you home last time.. At the very least I could claim I have walked you home... Anyway, congratulations Prof.. we are proud of your achievements.. kita semua tumpang gembira bersama.
Here are some wikileaks...
Robiha Mohamed - 0162618793
Syed Zain Syed Mahmood Al Kudcy - 0192863306
Rosdi Siraj - 0122090242
Najib Mohamed - 0123155973
Normah, where r u...? You masih ingat tak Pushpam, Mabel, Margaret, Zainon, Teo Guat Hong?
Dr IJ... perhaps you may still remember Kamal Batcha, Rahmat, Kadir Siraj, Haridass, Koh Boon Huat?
By the way.. one of us 72/73 Arts, Abdul Rahman Hamid left us last year.. He went to UM and was a banker.. Alfatihah..
Hmmmmh... Puteri Raja Bersiong........? I think I don't mind to go and korek korek for manganese at Tasik Cini bcoz it would be a great pleasure to wait for a beautiful Puteri Raja to come and "siong" me...
p/s Let me know whom you want me to help to contact ya Prof.. I would be delighted to "work" with you... hehehehehe... don't worry Prof, I am very harmless.. Just imagine me in a long loose white Arabic with a skull cap like Nik Aziz..
Dear Raja,
You're so resourceful in getting the leads for our long lost members of the tribe!!
I've updated the list as per attached. Definitely we need your further assistance Raja! I wonder how Teo Guat Hong looks like today.....must be cubby cubby sweet sweet!!
Attached is the photo of your brother and my late brother Ramlee A. Jamal (AlFatihah)
Check it out for any omission.......
Salam sejahtera to all.
Testing, testing, testing,....1,2,3!!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Colleagues,
ReplyDeletePlease take note of the newly created blog:
Salam sejahtera.
Dear Colleagues,
ReplyDeletePlease make honest comments of this blog that was created in hasty manner in the wee hours in the morning for the purpose of further improvements and moving forward..............
Salam sejahtera.
ReplyDelete8:30 AM (4 hours ago)
to rajamohamood, Mushrifah, me, Andrew, Prof, Zulkifli, fuaadyatim, zaba, noobie03, jamil.aris, Normah
Salam Raja & all , wow ! almost all the name that u mentioned , I dah lupa habis expecially on the "Gerakan" lists ...and their faces after >30 years..I salute si Najib kita tu , almost maintain especially on his tommy beb..kalau ada hadiah I obviously akan undi dia...Anyway Thanks Raja & others for the infos' . I punya Chips yang 80an kebawah banyak yang dah corrupted , unreadable and slow . Oh yes baru re call satu ..u've got the Juliet in but that u had forgotten the Romeo - at that time only .. Mahat Kassim - Guru Besar somewhere at Batu Anam and what about wak Kasmin kasmiran (not sure spelling correctly) .. See u All
Dear Prof Mush, Raja, Mahzan, Najib, Zol, Zaba, Fuaad, Pn Normah Jantan,......
ReplyDeleteWe need to beef-up this blog so as attract more members of the lost tribe to contribute old and new ideas, stories, anecdotes, pictures or images while in "HSBP Class of 73 Upper 6"...
Dear Freshie Queen/Queen of hearts,
ReplyDeleteI am very sorry because and I am out of town. I am in JB attending some family function since 3 Feb.. I will be driving back to KL this morning, I have tried to reply to hsbp Class 72/73 blog but it is not responding. Can you check on the reply thread please. I will check it again when I reach KL today.
Hi Raja,
ReplyDeleteU ve been travelling. Dont worry! Ismail will get to it. I am hopeless with blog, but I have been doing the invitasion to those with email.
Just txt Najuib asking for his email address but he txt back and said hes in London and would be back in the week.
The blog that Ismail is working on, is fantastic! I will have to get some tuition from uKm blog expert to know how to use.
Drive with care.
Ismail Aby Jamal
ReplyDelete11:39 AM (4 minutes ago)
to Mushrifah, rajamohamood, Dr, Andrew, Prof, Zulkifli, fuaadyatim, mahzan.moin, zaba, noobie03, jamil.aris, Normah, bcc: najazi54
Salam Mush & Raja,
Thousand apologies Raja...I was doing some editing work on the blog last night till morning.That's why you could'nt enter. Should be OK by now...try again please! By the way, all the emails that are already in our possession had been invited to join the blog (except Najib and Robiha......coincidentally always this couple!)...Thanks so much Prof Mush for campaigning....hope those stragglers will find their way out of Tasik Chini by using the newly created blog!! It is actually so easy to use...just add your comment in the space provided below at every post...then press "publish"...Anyway, not too worry, at the moment we will still go parallel with the emails as well as blog plus SMSs until we are able to get most of the tribe members familiar or registered in the blog. At the moment also, I'm managing the blog semi-manual as I have to copy the email messages back to the blog...hope I don't miss anything.....age is catching up actually!! It is different with Mush and Najib...they are the keepers of the secret elixir of youth discovered in the deep of Tasik Chini...
Testing, testing, testing......1,2,3,......
ReplyDeleteFrom outside the blog host....
ReplyDeleteOK Folks, please try to add your comments in the reply box......
Ismail Aby Jamal
ReplyDelete3:56 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Mushrifah, rajamohamood, Dr, Andrew, Prof, Zulkifli, fuaadyatim, mahzan.moin, zaba, noobie03, jamil.aris, Normah
Dear Bro Raja,
Once your are back in KL, please spare your time to log in the blog again.....I hope the bugs are no longer blocking the line.....I've just tested the blog by sending a test message in the reply box outside the host, it worked! Now, I need someone to test from outside the host too....see whether it's functioning well too.
Ismail Aby Jamal
ReplyDelete4:06 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Mushrifah, rajamohamood, Dr, Andrew, Prof, Zulkifli, fuaadyatim, mahzan.moin, zaba, noobie03, jamil.aris, Normah
Hellooooo!!!........ Capt oooooh Capt!!
Are u there in Shanghai?
Or, still flying in the high sky?
I'm just testing the newly created blog.....hope you can respond by visiting the blog at